Standing Rules
1. We communicate directly with the Team Captain, they are responsible for ensuring that all tournament communication reaches the team players. It is essential that the team captain has access the their registered email address and any platforms (e.g. Discord) specified by the tournament organisers.
2. All matches are played as an unfilled Squad with ONLY registered players, if your team is a player-short on game-day you will need to compete WITHOUT a fill-in.
3. In Physical tournaments there are to be no remote-players in teams that are on-site. (interstate teams/schools may request an exemption from this requirement on an individual basis)
4. Scoring:
Victory Royale: 8 Points
2nd – 3rd place: 5 Points
4th – 5th place: 3 Points
Eliminations: 1 Point per elimination, no minimum.
5. Scoring will ONLY count when the game-over screen (which shows Eliminations and Placing) is witnessed by a tournament referee. (no evidence = no points).
6. Online competitions should either share streams of their gameplay or use a mobile device to take a photo of the end-game screen showing both rank and elimination count.
7. Hardware: We provide Keyboard/Mouse/Headset when available. You are encouraged to bring your own hardware if preferred. We DO NOT have Bluetooth enabled, so bring a USB cable if you wish to use a controller.
Set-up and login time is limited to 5 minutes, so ensure that you have all of your key-binds, 2-factor authentication and hardware ready to roll.
8. Macros: Single-Key Macros are allowed, multi-key sequencing and macros such as scroll-gliding are forbidden. If you are unsure, it’s probably banned. 🙂
9. Technical Support: We cannot offer technical support on personal hardware, if it does not function you will need to use the provided hardware.